Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March is National Nutrition Month!

March has arrived, and that can only mean one thing - it’s National Nutrition Month! Every March, Dr. Reid and thousands of dentists and hygienists celebrate this occasion, and this year is no different. This March, we want you to think diabetes, obesity and periodontal disease, and how healthful eating and physical activity may improve periodontal health.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February is American Heart Month!

If you're worried about heart disease, you can easily spend thousands of dollars each year trying to prevent it, paying hand over fist for prescription medicines, shelves of healthy cookbooks,fitness machines for your home, and a gym membership.

Or maybe not. A number of recent studies suggest that you may already have a cheap and powerful weapon against heart disease, strokes, and other heart disease conditions. It costs less than $2 and is sitting on your bathroom counter. It is none other than the humble toothbrush. To learn more about this cheap and powerful weapon click here: http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/features/periodontal-disease-heart-health

Monday, January 13, 2014

January is Blood Donor Month

A blood donation truly is a “gift of life” that a healthy individual can give to others in their community who are sick or injured. In one hour’s time, a person can donate one unit of blood that can be separated into four individual components that could help save multiple lives.

Have you donated blood this month? Are you planning to?